Pamela Guevara

Pamela Guevara

Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción

My name is Pamela, I’m an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Concepción. I am an Electronic Civil Engineer (Universidad de Concepción), and I did my postgraduate studies in the area of ​​biomedicine, in France, at the Université Paris-Sud. I followed Master 2 in Information, Systems and Technology, Medical Imaging specialty, and then I studied a PhD in Physics, specializing in the same area. Both the Master’s thesis and the Doctorate thesis were carried out in a large brain study center called Neurospin, located in Saclay, France. In the University of Concepción, I am a professor mainly of the Biomedical Civil Engineering career, of which I am also a Career Manager. I also teach courses for the career of Electronic Civil Engineering, and postgraduate students.

  • Medical Image Processing, Neuroimaging
  • Digital Signal and Image Processing
  • Computer Graphics/Visualization
  • Software Development with high 2D/3D graphic content.
  • PhD in Physics

    Université Paris-Sud

  • Master 2 in Information, Systems and Technology, Medical Imaging specialty

    Université Paris-Sud

  • Electronic Civil Engineer

    Universidad de Concepcion